Price for bus from 89 BGN.
Price for a car from 59 BGN for the town of. Sofia.
Price for a jeep from 79 BGN.
Price for a motorcycle from 59 lv.
In case of bad weather conditions or accompanying conditions! extra attention such as (damaged suspension , missing suspension elements , blocked gearbox , blocked handbrake) - Price negotiable.
Prices are for vehicle transportation only and do not include additional charges:
- night fare (20:00 - 08:00) and higher prices for public holidays (50%)
- in case of emergency towing from ditches or traffic accidents the price is negotiable.
- For out of town transports, round trip mileage is charged with a minimum fare of 90 BGN.
- In case of chassis damage, blocked wheels or gearbox, an additional charge of 50 BGN per wheel will apply.
- In the event of a layover of more than 30 minutes through no fault of our own, a charge of BGN 40 per 30 minutes commenced will apply.
Price for electricity from Price: from 49 BGN (within Sofia) +1,50 BGN per km.
Price for tire change 59 BGN + 1.50 BGN per km (for suburban trips)
+359 886 637 422
Prices are affordable for all types of vehicles.
SprintAssist 24 hour roadside assistance is a great company with good organization. It guarantees fast order processing at affordable prices. The scale of the company allows us to get to your destination right away. The qualification of our operators helps to clearly limit the list of possible tasks and prepare everything necessary to solve them. If the expert's skill is technically feasible, it will be possible to restore the vehicle in less time on the road. A wide range of roadside assistance services limits all problem solving to one call. All you have to do is dial the company number, report the problem, the location, model and year of manufacture of your vehicle. With our roadside assistance company, you will feel confident on the road. All you have to do is call our experts and they will do their best to fix the technical issues that arise. Our professional reliability is high efficiency and complete comfort for the customer.